Usenet stands for "user's network", and is sometimes called just "newsgroups".
Usenet newsgroups are thousands of virtual bulletin boards on a wide range of different subjects available around the world. Anyone with access to the Internet can post a message to any newsgroup, read any message, and post a response to any message, making the Usenet a unique global common space covering a wide range of subjects.
The Usenet is an especially useful place to search for the answer to a question, since so many questions are asked and answered there. It is also particularly useful when looking for information about late-breaking or non-mainstream subjects likely to be part of the popular conversation.
What are you looking for on Usenet? It really doesn't matter because, chances are, you'll find it on Usenet.
The major set of worldwide newsgroups is contained within nine hierarchies, eight of which are operated under consensual guidelines that govern their administration and naming. The current "Big Eight" are:The major set of worldwide newsgroups is contained within nine hierarchies, eight of which are operated under consensual guidelines that govern their administration and naming. The current "Big Eight" are:
-computer-related discussions (, comp.sys.Amiga)
-humanities Fine arts, literature, and philosophy (humanities.classics,
-Miscellaneous topics (, misc.for sale,
-Discussions and announcements about news (meaning Usenet, not current (news.groups, news.admin)
-Recreation and entertainment (, rec.arts.movies)
-Science related discussions (sci.psychology, sci.research)
-Social discussions (, soc.culture.African)
-Talk about various controversial topics (talk.religion, talk.politics,
The hierarchy is not subject to the procedures controlling groups in the Big Eight, and it is as a result less organized. However, groups in the alt.* hierarchy tend to be more specialized or specific, for example, there might be a newsgroup under the Big Eight which contains discussions about children's books, but a group in the alt hierarchy may be dedicated to one specific author of children's books. Binaries are posted in alt.binaries.*, making it the largest of all the hierarchies.
Many other hierarchies of newsgroups are distributed alongside these. Regional and language-specific hierarchies such as japan.*, Malta.* and NE.* serve specific regions such as Japan, Malta and New England. Companies such as Microsoft administer their own hierarchies to discuss their products and offer community technical support. Some users prefer to use the term "Usenet" to refer only to the Big Eight hierarchies; others include alt as well. The more general term "net news" incorporates the entire medium, including private organizational news systems.
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